Athletics Mobile Training Software

Built to help teams learn faster, execute better, and win more

For every use-case

Learn to Win is the fastest way to train professional sports teams.

New Teammates

They have the talent but lack the experience. How can you accelerate their learning curve to match the pace of play?

Adapting to Rule Changes

Sports evolve, and so too must your team. How quickly can you integrate new rules into your training and strategy?

Game-Day Readiness

The pressure is intense and the competition fierce. How can you prepare your team mentally and physically to perform under the spotlight?

Officiating Excellence

Officials need to be as sharp as the athletes. How can you enhance their decision-making speed and accuracy for fair play?


Why partner with Learn to Win?

Spot knowledge gaps

  • Catch mistakes before they’re made on game day
  • See exactly what your players know (and what they don’t)
  • Inspire athletes to exceed their limits and continuously elevate their performance

Ensure your players master your playbook

  • Ditch mountains of binders. Enable players to easily grasp and remember complex plays and strategies by learning at their own pace
  • Quickly customize training content to tackle the unique challenges posed by upcoming opponents
  • Use Confidence Checks to verify players' understanding and readiness so they’re prepared for any situation on the field

Make the most of your coaching time

  • Ensure all players come to practice already familiar with your game plan
  • Use data analytics to track player progress and make informed decisions about lineup changes or substitutions
  • Spend more time coaching players and refining skills rather than repeating basic concepts or plays

Create a winning culture

  • Foster competition and camaraderie among players by incorporating gamification techniques into training
  • Build a sense of ownership and accountability for individual progress and team success

Train players the way they want 
to learn

  • Today’s players are different. Keep them engaged with training designed for the Instagram generation
  • Deliver microlearning directly to the device your players always have with them
  • Mix and match any kind of media to make learning an active and enjoyable experience
See Our Athletics Mobile Training Software in Action

Don't take our word for it.

Mike Sullivan

Head Coach, Pittsburgh Penguins

Learn to Win leverages the current research on how people most optimally learn. It is a user friendly platform that allows our coaching staff to spend most of our time coaching, as opposed to figuring out how to use the technology.

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Critical knowledge

Focus on the knowledge that's specific to your team

Training is critical in transforming a good athlete into a great one. Traditional coaching often misses the mark, focusing on broad techniques that don't necessarily translate to improved performance in real competitive scenarios. Athletes need more than just general advice; they require deep, actionable insights into the unique strategies, plays, and team dynamics that make your team stand out.

This deeper, more personalized layer of coaching is what we refer to as the Last Mile of training. It's this final stretch of specialized knowledge—rooted in the wisdom and tactics of your team’s success—that elevates an individual's skill set and understanding of the game. Unlike one-size-fits-all coaching, Last Mile Knowledge is tailored to your team's specific needs, making it exponentially more effective.

Develop Intuitive In-Game Decision-Making

Craft in-game, scenario-based lessons that transform the art of quick thinking and intuition into engaging, easy-to-grasp content, empowering athletes to make smart plays instinctively.

Breakdown Opponent Strategies

Quickly create engaging lessons and assessments focused on weekly opponents, enabling athletes to adapt their strategies with up-to-date insights.

Performance Nutrition and Wellness

Training is only half the battle; your players also need to be taking care of themselves properly. Equip them with the latest nutrition strategies that fuel peak performance.

Effective Communication Skills

On and off the field, clear communication is key to success. Develop training that enhances players’ ability to communicate effectively with coaches, teammates, and officials.

Ready to get started? Schedule a free demo today